Wally Center

At Affiliate Solutions we offer software applications designed to assist you in your marketing endeavours

Leads Generation.Traffic,Content and much more.

Why Choose Us?

We at Marketing Solutions are providers of software links that are great resources for any Affiliate Marketer/Entrepreneur/or Small Business Owner.

We provide a variety of software solutions that makes your online experience that much more rewarding by bringing the tools that are designed to take the hard work out of online buisinesses giving you more time to concentrate on your core business.

All of our links come with 24/7 support and We at Marketing Solutions are here for you whenever you need us

My Name is Winston Trim and I am the Founder of

Marketing Solutions

About Us

My Name is Winston Trim


In order to get to know each other let me tell you somethings about myself.

I am a a Creative Artist and my medium was mainly Bamboo and Wood which required lots of sanding long story short the dust interfered with my lungs to the extent where I had to shift gears.I decided to become an Affiliate Marketer.Winston jumped in feet first

If you are into Affiliate Marketing you will be aware that there are Training Courses galore out there.Most of them start free but the minute you opt in you find yourself in a funnel the very said strategy they are teaching and before you know it you are out a couple thousand dollars.BEEN there done that.

As an Artist you see things differently,you see shapes where others don't you see potential where others can't and basically that is what happened with me  .While reviewing multiple Training Courses I realised we were paying these Influencers a load of cash to sell us software to which they hold Affiliate links.BOOM  MARKETING SOLUTIONS was born

I decided to research software revalant to the Affiliate Marketing industry place them all in one place available to users like me.Most of the software are DFY.( Done For You ) so you won't need special training

Apart from that if you need assistance in any way we are here for you 24/7 FREE of charge


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Moonlight State Beach, Encinitas, CA 92024 USA